Selecting A Trainer

Kool Aldo

It had been about 2 years since I first started training dressage with my horse.  My horse, Kool Aldo being the 14 year old ISH that he is was schooling 3rd level when I bought him 2 years ago.  I had no idea how to ride him correctly….correctly as in balanced and light with a correct seat.  Aldo has been the most patient horse on the planet and has put up with a lot of my training mistakes with a very noble attitude.  I’ve been with the same trainer the past year and have felt a little stuck.  I moved to a different barn a couple of months ago and decided it might be time to look for another trainer.  

Dressage trainers are not a dime a dozen in my part of Florida.  It’s difficult and expensive to find really good ones.  Ones who have trained with elite riders and trainers and who have the credentials to back it all.  As I started looking around I “tried out” other trainers.  I went to see them train and talked with the riders they were training.  But I think its really important that you click with your trainer and you believe in what they are telling you.  I also believe you have to find a trainer that believes in you and your horse and they aren’t just stringing you along knowing that you may never progress up the levels.  So I decided to have a couple of trainers come to me for a training session to see if I clicked with them.  As soon as I did that I was told how bad it is to trainer hop.  Yes I don’t agree with switching trainers frequently and only using them for a short period of time before moving on to the next but I do believe it’s important to try them out so to speak before you commit.  Did I feel bad telling the ones that I didn’t click with they weren’t right for me?  Yes!  But we put so much time and money into training that you have to find the right one for you and your horse.  One that you can be with long term.  

The trainer that I’ve been with the past year is a great person and an awesome trainer.  I just didn’t feel like I was progressing anymore or that she was excited to work with me anymore.  The one I have now is much tougher and has more experience and is excited to work with me and Aldo.  In the last 5 weeks of training with her I have learned so much.  I’ve been able to correct my seat and get my horse round, I finally feel like I’m moving forward again.  

Don’t be afraid to question your situation and test the waters when it comes to training.  You want to have fun and be confident that your goals are important to your trainer and that you’re moving toward them together.